The Weekly E-news of Christ Episcopal Church, Binghamton, New York
An Invitation to a Holy Advent
I want to invite you into a community observance of Advent. This sacred time of year lends itself to our community drawing together in hope and anticipation of the coming of Christ. Even the secular world discerns this season as a time of generosity and hope, peace and goodwill -- so let us gather to celebrate, together!
Next Sunday, December 1, we will have the opportunity to make our own Advent Candles and Wreaths. We have enough materials for each family to make a wreath to take home. This is a wonderful event for the whole family to do, together. At the close of that time, Deacon Kay will demonstrate how this tool might be used in family faith practices. There will also be "Faith for Home" booklets available. These include daily devotions and seasonal activities that are great for ALL ages.
On Sunday, December 8, I will invite the community to gather together to begin imagining the "Hope and Future" of Christ Church. I plan on presenting the foundational principles I bring to this discernment work, so that together we might begin envisioning how we position our community for growth.
Then, on Sunday, December 15, we will welcome Mary, Joseph, the Angels, Shepherds, and Magi to our worship service as part of the annual Christmas pageant. Following that worship service, I want to invite any who are interested in serving as either Acolytes, Lay Readers, or LEMs for a time of conversation (that will become a training with our acolytes -- current and new).
Finally, on Sunday, December 22, we will have the annual Greening of the Church. All are invited to join in this joyful time in preparation for Christmas.
I wish you all a blessed Thanksgiving, with safe travels, joy, and laughter.
Office Closure - The office will be closed Monday, November 25 through Thursday, November 28 in observance of Thanksgiving.
Pledge Cards were mailed last week. Please prayerfully consider your support of Christ Church, and then help the Vestry by filling out the pledge card. These can be returned by mail or placed in the offering plate. Filling out the pledge card helps the Vestry by providing funding information as we plan and make adjustments for 2025. We want to live within our "means" -- this means knowing what our "means" is. Thank you!
Harvest Dinner - This Sunday, November 24, we will have a Harvest Dinner following the 10:00 a.m. worship service. Parishioners may volunteer to bring a side dish to go with the Turkey dinner.
Social Media (Facebook and Instagram) - Over the last few weeks, our social media accounts have been reactivated! Make sure you follow Christ Church on both Facebook and Instagram. You can click below to be taken directly to those sites. Sharing, commenting, and liking posts raised our profile within the algorithm, so others might have a chance to see what is happening here at Christ Church.
Outreach Opportunities
Winter Warmth Project - is still collecting gloves, hats, and scarves. Items can be placed in the basket in the Church or dropped off during office hours.
CHOW Pantry - For the month of November, we are particularly looking for canned cranberry Sauce, canned vegetables, canned Yams, boxed stuffing. canned potatoes or boxed instant mashed potatoes, canned apple sauce, and frozen dinner rolls. Any size is welcome, as we feed families of various sizes during the holiday season. The food basket is available in the hallway in the narthex.
Katie's Closet - With the cold weather here, we are in need of Winter coats for both adults and children. In addition, as always, we are in need of children’s clothing of various sizes, as well as new men’s and women’s socks and underwear. Items can be placed in the basket in the Church or dropped off during office hours.
The Week Ahead
- CHOW Pantry from 12:30 p.m. to 1:30 p.m.
- Katie's Closet from 12:30 p.m. to 1:30 p.m.
- Katie's Closet from 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.
- Holy Eucharist, Rite II at 10:00 a.m. in the Church
- Coffee hour following Holy Eucharist in the Great Hall
- Katie's Closet from 12:30 p.m. to 1:30 p.m.
- Rosary from 4:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. in the Sanctuary
- AlAnon from 7:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. in the Dewees Chapel
Prayer and Worship
In the week ahead, please pray for comfort and healing for: Anthony, Cairine, Davis, Ellen, George, Jen, Judy, Laurie, Marion, Ralph S. Jr, Steven, and Theo.
Sunday Server Schedule
To find this weeks' lessons in advance, click the button below.
Worship Schedules