Grounded in Worship | Formed by Faith | Committed to Service
At Christ Episcopal Church you enter the awe of worship in a place which has been prayed in for centuries. The majestic, beautiful architecture and the recently refurbished organ create a sacred space for prayer and worship. Yet, it is the people—from toddlers to nonagenarian, all participating with joy and wonder—that make our worship a special offering of praise and thanksgiving. Together, we are nourished and sent out to share the good news of Christ’s love, caring for people and God’s creation.
We worship in the Episcopal tradition with the liturgy taken from the Book of Common Prayer and supplemental sources. Our worship on Sundays includes scripture readings and a sermon, prayers, hymns and choral music, and the sharing of the Holy Eucharist. On Tuesday mornings, Bible Study is followed by a service of Holy Eucharist in Christ Church’s Dewees Chapel.
In the heart of downtown Binghamton, Christ Church reaches out to the community via CHOW® food pantry, Katie’s Clothing Closet, special community worship services, and green space for our neighbors. The first church in Binghamton, we continue as a vibrant congregation of all ages, races, orientations, and economic levels. We welcome everyone, from seekers to long time companions, on the journey of faith. Here you will find others who seek God, explore how to live faithfully in chaotic times, and wrestle with how to love well in a world which often does not. Here, everyone is always welcome. At Christ Episcopal Church, we respect the dignity of every human being and care for one another.
Our parish, like most urban congregations, is diverse in many ways. Our parishioners come from Binghamton neighborhoods and the surrounding suburbs. We are strengthened by a multigenerational community of faith. We welcome members old and new; those who are retired and those who are just starting out in life. We hope you will join us for worship and fellowship as we strive to be the heart and hands of Jesus Christ in Binghamton.