Our Vision

Grounded in Worship

Worship is the heart of our community.  We gather weekly to celebrate the presence of God among us, with hymns and prayers, the reading of Scripture, the proclamation of the Gospel, and the celebration of the Holy Eucharist.  The experience of worship, ultimately, is a holy mystery.   We encounter something so wonderful, so lovely, and so good, that we must go out into the world and invite others to join us.  

Our practice of worship may seem strange if it’s your first time participating in a liturgical community – and that’s ok! Let us pray on your behalf.  We sing ancient chants and pray two thousand year old prayers: with time, it will be something that you notice all of a sudden is apart of you.  The liturgy  is transformational.  It teaches us in ways that words cannot about the mystery and grandeur of God.  By joining the prayers of Saints and Angels, we move to the place where earth and heaven meet. 

Walking through life together, as a community of faith that shares a common sense of value and purpose, it what makes Christ Church wonderful.  We come from all walks of life, all perspectives, and we find a core commitment to our baptismal covenant to support one another and serve others.

Formed by the Faith

Christ Church as a community is committed to “taking on the mind of Christ.”   We want to see the world as God sees it, so that we can love the world as God loves it.   We use the word “formation” to describe how we get to that point.  It’s not a simple “information dump” where we learn some stuff and now we’re good; faith formation is a process of learning, experiencing, and revisiting. 

We believe that we can spend a lifetime learn more about God and God’s values through our study of Scripture and the Tradition of the Episcopal Church.  The life we are trying to live is best summarized in the questions asked of us at Baptism.  The Baptismal Covenant invites us to:

Continue in the apostles’ teaching and fellowship, in the breaking of bread, and in the prayers.

Persevere in resisting evil, and, whenever you fall into sin, repent and return to the Lord.

Proclaim by word and example the Good News of God in Christ.

Seek and serve Christ in all persons, loving your neighbor as yourself.

Strive for justice and peace among all people, and respect the dignity of every human being.

These foundational attributes are rooted in our understanding of the nature of God, and God’s love for the creation.  We want to take on the mind of Christ, so that we may see the world as Christ sees it, and love the world as Christ loves it. 

Committed to Service

Christ Church is a community oriented fellowship.  We find our purpose in serving those in the wider Binghamton area through group and individual efforts.

During the last two weeks of each month, the doors to our free food pantry and clothing closet are open.  Those registered with the CHOW Network are welcome to receive food from the pantry, and anyone is welcome to come and take what they need from the closet. Additionally, during the winter months, we provide hats, gloves, and scarves for anyone, at any time, through our Winter Warmth Project.