The Path Forward

Metaphors help us understand our experience. During this time of coronavirus and
risks of COVID-19, a few metaphors come to mind. Perhaps we are in the wilderness
having to trust God on the way to the Promised Land. Maybe we are in exile having
ignored the poor and trusted in greed and self rather than God. The image of dark
nights of the soul comes to mind, too, as we wrestle with a sense of absence on the
way to deeper knowledge of God’s presence. On this Feast of the Transfiguration
perhaps we are called to see Christ more fully and reflect this Light in the world.

Each of us experiences this time differently given our personal circumstances and
disposition, but we long for some sense of certainty even if it is only for one step ahead.
Indeed, God’s vision for us often is given step by step. In this Spirit I write setting out
what you can expect in worship, small groups, service, education, and fellowship with
the Christ Episcopal Church community the next few months.

Worship continues as it has been the past month with online fully going forward.
Mass on the Grass will take place beyond August weather and COVID numbers

Sunday Service on YouTube (available from the wee hours of that day) continues
Morning Prayer on Facebook live continues indefinitely. It occurs at 8 a.m. Monday-
Friday and can be seen on video anytime afterwards.
Compline via Zoom Wednesdays at 6:30 p.m. continues

Education and Small Groups in Bible Study, Sunday school, Youth and more
Bible study shall resume on Zoom 10:30 a.m. each Thursday starting September 9.
Given attendees situations, we shall remain virtual for now.
Sunday school begins virtually at 10 a.m. September 13. We are adjusting the
curriculum to includes skits, project kits each one completes and music.
Youth Group shall continue, and are exploring what our youth would like.
Under 5’s and families. We are exploring a story time and a virtual gathering, perhaps
monthly or more.
Conversation on Race now meets once a month after Compline.

huge thanks to Kevin Shea and the CHOW team. Not every volunteer has been able to
come but their hearts and prayers are with us. Donations have been wonderful,
including our drive by, drop off of toiletries. We thank Lisa that the Spirit called her to
create the tower of toilet paper in January, and we have been able to help many people.
Clothing closet is open by appointment, and we are exploring how to make this more

St. Fiacre’s gardening guild continues to keep our grounds beautiful and available for
Mass on the Grass and people who like to come and sit and be. We thank the mowing
team, too.
Stay tuned for how you may be involved as you wish.

We are not able to gather for meals or coffee hour at this time, but we welcome all to
virtual coffee hour each Sunday at 11 a.m.
We are exploring ways to know we still are together possibly setting up more social
and/or prayer gatherings via phone or Zoom or small groups gathering on the lawn.

Finances and Administration
We cannot forget that donations, paying our bills and generally managing church
finances well is a key part to ministry. Preparing bulletins and communications and
keeping track of the calendar and other details also are key. To this end our Finance
chair, bookkeeper, counting team and Parish Administrator have blessed us. All who
donate to keep us able to function with all that is listed above, we thank you.
Your wardens and I would welcome hearing your thoughts, experiences and desires
going forward. We continue to move with caution and research especially for any
indoor gathering following our bishop’s lead and noting as well the COVID outbreaks at
two churches in Endwell after re-opening for indoor worship.
Whether you feel you are in the wilderness, exile, dark night or just beginning to see
God’s glory, may you know God and the Christ Church community are with you.

With every blessing,
Mother Elizabeth

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Donec et mi molestie, bibendum metus et, vulputate enim. Duis congue varius interdum. Suspendisse potenti. Quisque et faucibus enim. Quisque sagittis turpis neque. Quisque commodo quam sed arcu hendrerit, id varius mauris accumsan.

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