Prayer for our Country: Almighty God, who hast given us this good land for our heritage: We humbly beseech thee that we may always prove ourselves a people mindful of thy favor and glad to do thy will. Bless our land with honorable industry, sound learning, and pure manners. Save us from violence, discord, and confusion; from pride and arrogance, and from every evil way. Defend our liberties, and fashion into one united people the multitudes brought hither out of many kindreds and tongues. Endue with the spirit of wisdom those to whom in thy Name we entrust the authority of government, that there may be justice and peace at home, and that, through obedience to thy law, we may show forth thy praise among the nations of the earth. In the time of prosperity, fill our hearts with thankfulness, and in the day of trouble, suffer not our trust in thee to fail; all which we ask through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

Joan Memorial Service

Joan Jones' memorial service will be held at Christ Church on April 10th. Visitation will be allowed from 10 a.m. - 11 a.m. in the lounge. Parishioners are welcome to come.

Important Notices

In-person Worship Resumes This Sunday!

Starting Palm Sunday, March 28th, we will offer in person worship services in the sanctuary in addition to our Zoom, YouTube, and Facebook live services.

We are able to worship in person by following the protocol outlined below:

-- A sign in sheet with visitors contact information will be maintained;

-- All visitors will have their temperature taken by ushers using contactless thermometers;

-- All visitors must be masked. Double masking is advised but not required;

-- Social space of 6 feet per group will be maintained;

-- Hand sanitizer will be provided;

-- Only one singer is permitted per service. The soloist will maintain at least 15 feet of distance from all others. The soloist may wear a mask, but is not required to do so;

-- Singing, which poses a greater risk of viral transmission, will be part of the service;

-- All participants will remain in place during passing of the Peace. Safe greetings such as bowing and waving are encouraged;

-- The Celebrant will use appropriate hygiene and wear a mask when celebrating the Eucharist;

-- Mother Elizabeth will consecrate the Bread but will not commune people directly until her vaccines are fully effective (Sunday April 18th). Deacon Kay and a Eucharist minister will distribute communion, maintaining physical distant from the participants to the extent possible. Tongs or disposable plates and cups will be used to distribute communion;

-- Communicants will keep their masks on when receiving communion. Communicants should return to their seat before removing their mask briefly to consume the Host;

-- No offering plate will be passed. Gifts will be collected online or in plates placed near the Church entrance;

-- After the service, participants will remain 6 feet apart with masks on in accordance with social distancing guidelines while socializing and exiting the Church.

Parking in the Metro Center parking lot is available. Press the button and take a ticket to enter. Please bring this ticket to the service with you. Ushers will provide a ticket which you will need to exit. Both tickets will be needed in order to exit.

However you choose to worship with us, in-person or virtually, you are fully part of the community. We understand your choice may shift from week to week. Thank you for your patience and support throughout these trying times.

Practicing the Art of Jesus:
An artistic journey through Holy Week

Join Roger Speer, freelance illustrator, art educator, and minister for eight sessions of artistic exploration inspired by your life and the events of Holy Week.

Daily (beginning Palm Sunday, March 28th) you’ll receive an email with a video lesson that guides you through the process of developing your unique artistic expression, responding to scripture and our diocesan Rule of Life, Vision Statement, and Mission Statement.

Each evening (beginning Monday, March 29th) join Roger and others in a Zoom chat to share your art and your experience.

Sponsored by the Episcopal Diocese of Central New York and the Church of the Good Shepherd (Augusta, GA), this weeklong experience is free to you. Sign up today at!
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An Act of Kindness

An anonymous donation was made to Christ Church over the weekend. On the railing outside the church are bags filled with sets of children's clothes as well as toys. This donation reminds us that acts of kindness, both big and small, remain a driving force of hope that connects us within our personal lives as well as our communities.

Upcoming Events

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Sunday Worship at 10:00 a.m

Palm Sunday: In-person worship service and Live-streamed via Zoom at 10:00 a.m. *

* (This service will be recorded and uploaded to our Youtube Page for those who cannot attend but would like to watch/participate at a later time.)

Holy Week Services

Maundy Thursday: April 1st, 7:00 p.m. at Church Church in the sanctuary and live streamed Zoom.

Good Friday: Stations of the Cross April 2nd, 4:00 p.m. at Christ Church In the sanctuary.

Easter Vigil will be offered at All Saints Johnson City and St. Peter's Bainbridge

Reader Schedule Through Easter

March 28
Palm Sunday
J. Endress
April 4
M. Smith
Each week we read and ask questions about the lectionary for the upcoming Sunday. We explore some history and context and spend most of our time looking at what the scripture is saying to us about our lives. You do not need to have a Bible background to come. Just bring a willingness to learn, listen and join in the conversation.

To sign up for this week's meeting and receive the Zoom information please click here.
Sunday School acts as a way for children and teens to access age appropriate Bible teachings and lessons that can help them understand and navigate the world we live in today. Each lesson is designed to meet the comprehension level and interest of any age. To access the Zoom link for this week's Sunday School please click here.

Pledges & Donations


COVID-19 Does Not Prevent us From Receiving Bills!

2021 Pledges: In these disruptive, extraordinary times, Christ Church has had to re-evaluate its financial outlook for next year as a result of declining income over the past six+ months. In addition to a decline in contributions, we have lost income from church services (e.g., weddings, Cabaret, rummage sales, rentals of facility, and space utilization.) We expect this will continue in 2021, causing a financial operating shortfall of approximately $90,000.

In addition, we are faced with a substantial expense for roof repair work. Fortunately, some part of this potential cost will be covered by funds which have already been set aside. More on a proposal to repair the roof and cross will be in future Heads Up.

Please consider helping us fill the substantial financial gap facing us as you make or pay your pledge for 2021.
Pledges and other donations can be mailed to the church. If you do not have envelopes, we will use the name on your check.

Please note our online donations are up and running. You can donate via our website at With thanks to Ryan Davis, you can now simply click donate to send your pledge or other special donations. You can donate specifically to CHOW, Katie's Closet, the Rector's Discretionary Fund and Cross/Roof Repair.

Christ Church Amazon

When you're shopping on amazon go to and list "Christ Church Binghamton" as your charity of choice. The Church will receive .5 % of your purchase!

Prayers & Prayer List

I cannot tell you how the light comes, but that it does. That it will. That it works its way into the deepest dark that enfolds you, though it may seem long ages in coming or arrive in a shape you did not foresee.

And so we pray we may turn ourselves toward the light giving thanks for Christ’s birth and this communion. May we lift our faces to let the light find us. May we bend our bodies to follow the arc it makes. May we open and open more and open still to the blessed light that comes. *

With thanks to Jan Richardson*

Prayer List

In the week ahead, please pray for comfort and healing for: Connor, Connie, George, Joell, Millie Rose, Scott, and Father Jim & Family.

We pray for Joan Jones who died last week.

A Word From Your Senior Warden


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