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Welcome to Christ Episcopal Church
The First Sunday in Lent | Rite I
Sunday March 6th 2022
The Service Begins in Silence

The Great Litany Hymnal S67

Opening Sentences

Celebrant: Bless the Lord who forgiveth all our sins.
People: His mercy endureth for ever.

Decalogue BCP p. 317, Hymnal S353

Confession of Sin BCP p. 321

Absolution and The Word of God

Celebrant: The Lord be with you.
People: And with thy Spirit.
Celebrant: Let us pray.

Collect of the Day

Almighty God, whose blessed Son was led by the Spirit to be tempted of Satan: Make speed to help thy servants who are assaulted by manifold temptations; and, as thou knowest their several infirmities, let each one find thee mighty to save; through Jesus Christ thy Son our Lord, who liveth and reigneth with thee and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. Amen.

First Reading: Deuteronomy 26:1-11 Read by: J. Endress

When you have come into the land that the Lord your God is giving you as an inheritance to possess, and you possess it, and settle in it, you shall take some of the first of all the fruit of the ground, which you harvest from the land that the Lord your God is giving you, and you shall put it in a basket and go to the place that the Lord your God will choose as a dwelling for his name. You shall go to the priest who is in office at that time, and say to him, "Today I declare to the Lord your God that I have come into the land that the Lord swore to our ancestors to give us." When the priest takes the basket from your hand and sets it down before the altar of the Lord your God, you shall make this response before the Lord your God: "A wandering Aramean was my ancestor; he went down into Egypt and lived there as an alien, few in number, and there he became a great nation, mighty and populous. When the Egyptians treated us harshly and afflicted us, by imposing hard labor on us, we cried to the Lord, the God of our ancestors; the Lord heard our voice and saw our affliction, our toil, and our oppression. The Lord brought us out of Egypt with a mighty hand and an outstretched arm, with a terrifying display of power, and with signs and wonders; and he brought us into this place and gave us this land, a land flowing with milk and honey. So now I bring the first of the fruit of the ground that you, O Lord, have given me." You shall set it down before the Lord your God and bow down before the Lord your God. Then you, together with the Levites and the aliens who reside among you, shall celebrate with all the bounty that the Lord your God has given to you and to your house.

Reader: The Word of the Lord. People: Thanks be to God.

Psalm 91:1-2, 9-16

1 He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High, *
abides under the shadow of the Almighty.

2 He shall say to the Lord,
"You are my refuge and my stronghold, *
my God in whom I put my trust."

9 Because you have made the Lord your refuge, *
and the Most High your habitation,

10 There shall no evil happen to you, *
neither shall any plague come near your dwelling.

11 For he shall give his angels charge over you, *
to keep you in all your ways.

12 They shall bear you in their hands, *
lest you dash your foot against a stone.

13 You shall tread upon the lion and adder; *
you shall trample the young lion and the serpent under your feet.

14 Because he is bound to me in love,
therefore will I deliver him; *
I will protect him, because he knows my Name.

15 He shall call upon me, and I will answer him; *
I am with him in trouble;
I will rescue him and bring him to honor.

16 With long life will I satisfy him, *
and show him my salvation.

Second Reading: Romans 10:8b-13 Read by: J. Endress

"The word is near you, on your lips and in your heart" (that is, the word of faith that we proclaim); because if you confess with your lips that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. For one believes with the heart and so is justified, and one confesses with the mouth and so is saved. The scripture says, "No one who believes in him will be put to shame." For there is no distinction between Jew and Greek; the same Lord is Lord of all and is generous to all who call on him. For, "Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved."

Reader: The Word of the Lord. People: Thanks be to God.

Sequence Hymn, 150 "Forty days and forty nights" AUS DER TIEFE RUFE ICH

The Gospel: Luke 4:1-13 The Rev. Deacon Kay Drebert

Deacon: The Holy Gospel of our Savior Jesus Christ according to Luke.
People: Glory be to thee O Lord.

After his baptism, Jesus, full of the Holy Spirit, returned from the Jordan and was led by the Spirit in the wilderness, where for forty days he was tempted by the devil. He ate nothing at all during those days, and when they were over, he was famished. The devil said to him, "If you are the Son of God, command this stone to become a loaf of bread." Jesus answered him, "It is written, 'One does not live by bread alone.'" Then the devil led him up and showed him in an instant all the kingdoms of the world. And the devil said to him, "To you I will give their glory and all this authority; for it has been given over to me, and I give it to anyone I please. If you, then, will worship me, it will all be yours." Jesus answered him, "It is written, 'Worship the Lord your God, and serve only him.'" Then the devil took him to Jerusalem, and placed him on the pinnacle of the temple, saying to him, "If you are the Son of God, throw yourself down from here, for it is written, 'He will command his angels concerning you, to protect you,' and 'On their hands they will bear you up, so that you will not dash your foot against a stone.'" Jesus answered him, "It is said, 'Do not put the Lord your God to the test.'" When the devil had finished every test, he departed from him until an opportune time.

Deacon: The Gospel of the Lord. People: Praise be to thee, O Christ.

Homily The Rev. Elizabeth A. Ewing

The Nicene Creed BCP p. 326

Prayers of the People BCP p. 328

The Peace BCP p. 332

Celebrant: The peace of the Lord be always with you.
People: And with thy Spirit.

Offertory Hymn, 635 "If thou but trust in God to guide thee" WER NUR DEN

The Presentation

Doxology OLD 100TH

Praise God, from whom all blessings flow;
Praise Him, all creatures here below;
Praise Him above, ye heav'nly host;
Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. Amen.

The Holy Communion

Eucharistic Prayer II BCP 340

The Great Thanksgiving

Celebrant: The Lord be with you.

People: And with thy spirit.

Celebrant: Lift up your hearts.

People: We lift them up unto the Lord.

Celebrant: Let us give thanks unto our Lord God.

People: It is meet and right to do so.

Celebrant: It is very meet, right, and our bounden duty, that we should at all times, and in all places, give thanks unto thee, O Lord, holy Father, almighty, everlasting God. ..

Sanctus Hymnal S-114

The Lord’s Prayer Hymnal S-119

Fraction Anthem Agnus Dei Hymnal S-158

Communion Hymn, 343 "Shepherd of souls" ST. AGNES

The Blessing

Closing Hymn 35 "At the Name of Jesus" KING'S WESTON



Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper
Thank you to all who came out in support of Christ Church's pancake supper. We served over 80 eat in and takeaway dinners last night. A big thank you all who helped set up, cook, and serve. We collected $300 after expenses for outreach!
Katie's Closet
Men's clothes are desperately needed, especially slacks and jeans (used or new) and underwear and socks (new). We ask that no women's sweaters are donated. Volunteers are also needed for a couple of hours a month. Thank you!
Winter Warmth Project
Our annual Winter Warmth project begun! Donations of hats, scarves, gloves, thick socks, and/or umbrellas can be left in the back of the church after worship service or at the church during the church’s office hours.
Christ Church Amazon

Christ Church Amazon: When you're shopping on Amazon, go to smile.amazon.com and list "Christ Church Binghamton" as your charity of choice. The Church will receive .5 % of your purchase! Over $500 has been given to Christ Church from your Amazon purchases since its program began. Thank you for designating Christ Church to receive these proceeds. Every little bit helps.
Christ Church YouTube Link
You can view our livestream Sunday starting at 10:00 a.m. or watch it any time after via our YouTube page: Christ Episcopal Church Binghamton (link)
Christ Church Mask Requirements

Each parish of the Diocese of Central New York has local discretion in establishing COVID-19 response guidelines within the restrictions established by New York State and in line with recommendations from the CDC.

The CDC’s COVID-19 Data Tracker indicates that Broome County is at “High” levels of community transmission.

Per CDC guidance, individuals attending indoor public worship in these counties should wear face coverings, regardless of vaccination status.

Thank you all for your tender care for one another in this challenging time.
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